Triton学院是一所致力于学生成功的高等教育机构. Located 14 miles from downtown Chicago, 学校以学生为中心,学术文化资源丰富,教育价值突出, career-oriented learning opportunities, and engaging social activities.
Triton’s attractive 110-acre campus features state-of-the-art facilities, thriving arts and athletics programs and a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. Our culturally diverse community of students, faculty and staff collaborates to promote integrity, 打开对话框, teamwork and mutual respect, while striving for excellence in all that we do.
We empower success in life-changing ways. 我们的学位和证书课程以实用课程和灵活的课程安排为特色. Triton的转学生很容易被全国的学院和大学录取. 职业计划的学生学习在竞争激烈的就业市场中取得成功所需的技能,这将使他们能够为商业和工业做出重大贡献. 继续教育的学生参加面向娱乐的课程, personal enrichment, workforce development and lifelong learning.
10个以上,000 students enroll at Triton each year, yet every student receives ample individual attention in small, accessible classes. 我们高素质的教师将杰出的学术证书与宝贵的现实世界经验相结合. 学费非常实惠,并且可以获得经济援助和奖学金.
电子竞技竞彩平台 Fact Sheet
电子竞技竞彩平台 事实的书
To learn more about what makes Triton unique, read The Triton Difference.
Triton's District
成立于1964年, 电子竞技竞彩平台, a comprehensive public community college, 位于库克县西部,服务于芝加哥西郊. Triton is one of more than 48 community colleges in the state of Illinois. It operates under the direction of the Illinois Community College Board, with accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.
在成立之初,Triton服务于三个乡镇,Proviso, Leyden和Elmwood Park. Initially utilizing facilities at West Leyden and Proviso West high schools, Triton于1967年为其技术大楼举行了奠基仪式,庆祝其第一座永久性建筑. By the summer of 1969, 所有的Triton课程都在目前位于River Grove的110英亩主校区举行, IL. Oak Park-River Forest, 河畔布鲁克菲尔德和里奇伍德学区投票加入莱顿学区, Proviso and Elmwood Park school districts in 1972, creating Illinois Community College District 504.
Today the district encompasses approximately 63 square miles, and the college serves approximately 343,000 people residing in 25 demographically and culturally diverse towns and villages. 主校区由16座独立的建筑组成,其中包括Triton学院图书馆, a Fine Arts Gallery, athletic and recreational facilities, the Educational Technology Resource Center, 特里顿学院表演艺术中心和德国地球与空间中心.
Triton负担得起的学费和开放入学政策大大扩大了该地区居民接受高等教育的机会. 目前,Triton学院提供150多个副学士学位和证书课程. 新的教育项目和服务不断发展,以满足地区居民和雇主的需求. Triton classes are offered at the main campus in River Grove, several extension sites throughout the district, as well as online.
来源: 向高等教育委员会提交的院校重新评审评审自研报告, Tenth Day Report and Triton 大学目录.
Hispanic Serving Institution
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) are accredited, 分校, 非营利性高等教育机构,全日制本科学生中拉丁裔至少占25%. 资格指定为HSI是高等教育法第五章规定的. In 2017, 13.8 percent of postsecondary institutions were designated as HSIs.
2011年,Triton学院被美国政府指定为西班牙裔服务机构(HSI).S. Department of Education. Today, Triton serves a 42 percent Hispanic student population. For more information, read Triton’s 事实的书.
The Triton Difference
Triton学院致力于以改变生活的方式赋予你成功的力量. 我们积极的学习环境为学生在全球经济中有效竞争做好准备, realize their career aspirations, and achieve personal growth.
What sets 电子竞技竞彩平台 apart?
Academic Excellence
电子竞技竞彩平台 features small class sizes and a wide range of quality, 以现实世界为重点的课程,为你在四年制大学完成学位提供了一条途径, obtaining a well-paying job, or advancing in your career. Hands-on learning experiences in degree, 证书, continuing education, and adult education programs promote achievement.
Accomplished Faculty
我们的教师拥有多年的专业和教学经验. Placing a priority on engaging students with practical knowledge, faculty members use proven instructional methods to bring content to life. 他们还参与持续的专业发展,分享成功的教学方法和最佳实践,帮助学生满足并完成课程要求.
Easily Transferable Credits
全国大多数四年制大学接受Triton的大学学分课程作为转学分. 你可以呆在家里,同时满足你在Triton的通识教育要求, then transfer these credits to another university to complete your degree.
Student-Centered Environment
Triton是一个充满活力和多元化的社区,促进学习和成就. State-of-the-art facilities, support services, 灵活的课程安排为所有年龄段的学生提供了机会和资源,让他们脱颖而出,获得重要的技能,从而在生活中取得成功. Extra-curricular student clubs, 组织和活动提供了许多方式来参与我们独特的社区雷火电子竞技平台和校外.
Exceptional Value
When you complete your studies at Triton, 你可以确信你的投资会得到积极的回报. 特里顿学院由中北部学院和学校协会高等教育委员会认证, 这是雇主在雇佣未来员工时寻找的重要区别. 与其他学院和大学相比,Triton负担得起的学费每年可以节省大量费用, and financial assistance is available.
有了特里顿学院提供的一切,为什么还要花更多的钱去其他地方上大学呢? All the advantages you are looking for are right here!
General Education Outcomes
通识教育的学习成果是成功完成任何学位课程的通识教育要求的结果. The outcomes state that upon completion of a degree program, the student should be able to effectively:
Critical Thinking
探索问题, 的想法, 工件, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.
Develop and express 的想法 in written or oral form.
Information Literacy
Identify, locate, evaluate, and responsibly use and share information.
Quantitative Literacy
Analyze and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of contexts.
Analyze and explore complex global challenges from diverse perspectives.
Triton's Mission & 愿景
Mission Statement
Valuing the individual, educating and serving the community.
愿景 Statement
A community with equitable opportunity for growth and success.